Q: Bharata eternally become devotee after Jada Bharata birth. In the eternal life, one birth is like a bubble. Even if one birth is wasted, anyway Bharata Maharaj eternally became servant of Krsna in His loka. What exactly he lost in the one life time? Why HDG SP is insisting immediately vacating this place? Please clarify. I couldn't understand what is wasted in one's life time if he is not able to understand and make perfect in that life time.. Anyway he is progressing and he will achieve perfection in due course of time..
A: If you are a 8th standard student and you failed. You passed in the next year. Did you lose anything in your first year when you did fail? You didn't lose anything? Not even one whole year.?
What all you did after putting your energy, intelligence, time, etc., gone waste. Isn't it? Didn't you lose anything? In other words you can get relieved for ever in this material world and go back to Godhead.
Why you need to be austere? Enjoy your life and at last you can go to Godhead. What is the difference? It is to reach Goloka as early as possible. Don't delay.
No one knows what will happen next moment.
A: If you are a 8th standard student and you failed. You passed in the next year. Did you lose anything in your first year when you did fail? You didn't lose anything? Not even one whole year.?
What all you did after putting your energy, intelligence, time, etc., gone waste. Isn't it? Didn't you lose anything? In other words you can get relieved for ever in this material world and go back to Godhead.
Why you need to be austere? Enjoy your life and at last you can go to Godhead. What is the difference? It is to reach Goloka as early as possible. Don't delay.
No one knows what will happen next moment.