Laulyam - price to enter the kingdom of God

Q: How is the "Laulyam" price to enter the kingdom of God?

A: Sat Sangh does not give gaurantee to go Goloka. Many devotees have satsangh but all do not become pure devotees. But one who has laulyam, can easily become pure devotee. Laulyam means greediness / intense desire to go to spiritual world (here). Hence one should be sincere and serious.

Q2: atyāhāraḥ prayāsaś ca / prajalpo niyamāgrahaḥ
jana-saṅgaś ca laulyaṁ ca /ṣaḍbhir bhaktir vinaśyati
It is said here laulyam needs to be avoided.. Is laulyam has 2 meanings? one has greedinees on mundane and another one as "Greediness on spiritual"? Please clarify.

A2: Laulyam for material desires to be avoided, but one can have laulyam for spiritual desires. It is very simple. Greediness is not as such bad. Greediness for material things is bad but greediness for spiritual things is good.