1. Don’t find fault with anyone; Don’t create enmity with anyone; Don’t take part with anyone in dispute; Don’t be the cause of miseries of anyone |
2. Always Remember Krsna Never Forget Krsna |
3. Anything that comes upon us should be accepted as the mercy of Krsna for our purification and for his pleasure |
4. Anything we do – the result is enjoyed by Krsna More Click below::::---> |
5. Accept things that are favorable to Devotional service |
6. Accept the mistake, Confess & don’t repeat; Pray for involving in devotional service |
7. Be instrument in the hand of Krsna |
8. Being enjoyed is the best |
9. Be Meek and Humble always |
10. Before buying the gold, know the quality of gold |
11. Behavior is the ornament of Vaishnava |
12. Completely perfect and perfectly complete |
13. Conclusion is more important than contents |
14. While in happiness, don’t give any promise |
15. Don’t use your intelligence before the Guru |
16. Don’t have false humility |
17. Don’t pray to anyone else in any time |
18. Don’t be attracted by the intermediate beauty |
19. Don’t try to control the world, control yourself |
20. Devoted means living for the pleasure of Krsna |
21. Don’t see outwardly; see inwardly- hidden hand of Krsna |
22. Don’t blame anyone, realize your mistakes |
23. Devotees will never perish |
24. Don’t lose faith in Krsna at any circumstance |
25. For a gentle man this is not a place to live |
26. Familiarity breeds contempt |
27. Faith can’t be blind but seen |
28. Fruits of one’s activities reveals who he is |
29. False Ego will lead to destruction |
30. Find fault within not in others |
31. Friend is one who helps the soul not the body |
32. For Higher purpose lower level rules can be broken |
33. Giving up false ego one gets Krsna’s mercy |
34. Great loss in this world is to lose faith in Krsna |
35. Have full faith in Krsna for His protection |
36. Giving pleasure to Krsna is love of God |
37. Impossible made possible by Krsna |
38. If one neglects the Supreme, his life is mere waste |
39. If you want to be happy, serve Krsna |
40. If you give fruits of your action, you are not the loser |
41. If you don’t take food as medicine (prasadam), you end up eating Medicines as food |
42. If you keep Krsna in the center, you will not cheat anyone |
43. If you increase devotional service, your material obligation will come down |
44. If we glorify the Lord, our Anarthas will go away |
45. Krsna is the property of materially improvised |
46. Krsna gives you what you need not what you want |
47. Krsna Never Commits mistakes |
48. Krsna is the Saturation Point |
49. Krsna is the real friend and Supreme Controller |
50. Krsna never punishes anyone wrongly |
51. Life’s aim is not to enjoy |
52. Learn from history, Don’t imagine things |
53. Material help is not permanent help |
54. Material world – both good or bad – bad |
55. No one can see Krsna with his defective eyes |
56. Go to Krsna Bhava from your svabhava through Sadhana |
57. Never pray for any material boons |
58. No Material impediments in Krsna Consciousness |
59. While you are unhappy you remember Krsna |
60. No criticism in Krsna Consciousness |
61. One who concocts can never become Vaishnava |
62. One who does Sadhana regularly, Krsna helps such devotee |
63. One can do devotional service, but only Krsna can wipe out sinful reactions if He is pleased |
64. One should not think to wipe out his sinful reactions by doing devotional service |
65. One can think like this- if he does Devotional service, he can avoid doing sinful activities. |
66. One can’t come out sex life on his own endeavor |
67. One should approach bonafide Spiritual master, inquire, render service |
68. By mental speculation one can’t understand Krsna |
69. One who works for Krsna don’t have next birth |
70. Our Life Aim is not to forget Krsna |
71. One is wasting his life if he doesn’t get Vaishnavas’s mercy |
72. One can’t understand the truth if one is not beyond three modes of nature |
73. Pronounce Hare Krsna Maha Mantra clearly and hear properly |
74. Pray to Krsna to concentrate on Mantra not problems |
75. Please Krsna by becoming His confidential servant |
76. Purification means transformation to original constitutional position |
77. Preachers are beyond clutches of death |
78. Person who wants to become perfect never give any excuses |
79. Perform duty on order of Guru |
80. Pray to get devotional service only |
81. Problems means absence of Krsna |
82. Preaching has to be done with compassion |
83. Pastimes of Krsna is not for time pass |
84. Remove Kama (lust), Krodha(anger), Lobha(Greed), Moha (illusion), Mada (pride), Matsarya (envy) from the heart to reach Krsna |
85. Rejects things that are un-favorable to Devotional service |
86. Realized souls never fall down |
87. Realized knowledge is more beneficial than acquired knowledge |
88. Rectifying the mistakes and leading the life is better than hiding the mistakes and lead the life |
89. Respect seniors; otherwise everything will be doomed |
90. Adopt Krsna Conscious principles and lead life |
91. Students may make mistakes, but preachers can’t do mistakes |
92. Symptom of not having false ego is you don’t expect respect from others |
93. A perfect can make an imperfect the perfect |
94. Spiritual world – both good or bad – good |
95. Severe the attachment by transcendental knowledge |
96. Accept the situation and do not try to come out of it artificially but try to see cause of all causes Hidden hand of Krsna. |
97. See the hidden hand of Krsna |
98. Sufferings are due to the problems lying within you |
99. Solution is lying within |
100. There is a purpose behind each action |
101. Till one reaches Brahma Bhuta stage one needs to be in training |
102. Tolerate the inconveniences for the pleasure of Krsna |
103. Unless we sacrifice our pleasure for higher purpose, we can’t help others |
104. Use Material assets for Krsna’s pleasure |
105. Use your senses to give happiness to Krsna |
106. Vaishnava don’t do activities for name, fame, prestige |
107. Verify anything with formula "Sadhu, Sastra, Guru, Vakya, Cittate Koriya Aikya" |
108. Vaishnava lives in the present, never thinks of future / past |
109. Vaisnavas never take revenge of anyone |
110. Vaishnava means Para Dukha Duhki |
111. Vaisnavas always depend on Krsna |
112. Vaishnava’s first duty is to respond |
113. Vaisnavas take more responsibility and advance |
114. Vaishnavas act like salt |
115. Be prepared to change the lifestyle to know the Absolute Truth |
116. Bad things happen because of unwanted desires |
117. Breaking bricks is not profession, but punishment |
118. We can’t set right out difficulties on our own |
119. We can’t avoid the desires, but route them to satisfy Krsna’s senses |
120. While in distress, pray – Krsna if you like, please allow it to continue, otherwise stop this distress condition |
121. Without Krsna’s will even blade of Grass doesn’t move |
122. While in anger, don’t open your mouth |
123. We will never get distressed if we give happiness to Krsna |
124. We can’t change anything of this world except our activities |
125. While in distress, don’t make any decision 126. Serving Krsna is the topmost |