Hare Krsna,
HG Paramesvara dasa (RNS) Chennai is discussing about "C06 Part1-1 Transcendental means cause of all causes" on 2017_Sep_10. Please listen to this lecture and other two lesctures before attempting exam in the Moodle page - https://pathofpurification.moodlecloud.com/login/index.php
Part1 - 1 Lecture is found here:
HG Paramesvara dasa (RNS) Chennai is discussing about "C06 Part1-1 Transcendental means cause of all causes" on 2017_Sep_10. Please listen to this lecture and other two lesctures before attempting exam in the Moodle page - https://pathofpurification.moodlecloud.com/login/index.php
Part1 - 1 Lecture is found here: