Hare Krsna,
HG Paramesvara Prabhuji has answered the below questions in this lecture:
Questions: 1) Material science itself is spiritual only, but the technology we can use for either material or spiritual. Material mathematics cannot be used for spiritual mathematics.
My Query : i did not understand fully the above statements,
especially, ' 'material mathematics cannot be used for spiritual mathematics'' ?
2) If one becomes a best follower and becomes the best leader , and later on, deviates , and becomes a bad follower , the initial acceptance of he being a representative of Krishna Becomes invalid. What will happen to the followers who received instructions/ advice/ time spent with such a leader ?
Please listen to the lecture to know the answers. Though the lecture is starting with Tamil, these 2 questions were answered in English.
Thank you.
HG Paramesvara Prabhuji has answered the below questions in this lecture:
Questions: 1) Material science itself is spiritual only, but the technology we can use for either material or spiritual. Material mathematics cannot be used for spiritual mathematics.
My Query : i did not understand fully the above statements,
especially, ' 'material mathematics cannot be used for spiritual mathematics'' ?
2) If one becomes a best follower and becomes the best leader , and later on, deviates , and becomes a bad follower , the initial acceptance of he being a representative of Krishna Becomes invalid. What will happen to the followers who received instructions/ advice/ time spent with such a leader ?
Please listen to the lecture to know the answers. Though the lecture is starting with Tamil, these 2 questions were answered in English.
Thank you.