Ragatmika Bhakti and Raganuga Bhakti

Q: Please explain the difference between:
a. Ragatmika Bhakti
b. Raganuga Sadhana Bhakti
c. Raganuga Bhakti.

a. Ragatmika Bhakti
​This is raga + atmika bhakti---- Raga means attraction.
​When one looks at Krsna, spontaneously he is attracted [By soul/atmana]
From within his soul he is attracted, forgetting the whole world - completely obsorbed in that object.
b. Raganuga Sadhana Bhakti
Raga =Attraction; anuga= following, By following sadhana, rules and regulations, one comes to this stage where he does not have any doubt in rendering service. He never questions and have any doubt. Because of his sadhana bhakti, he comes to that state.
c. Raganuga Bhakti.
Following a great personality who has this spontaneous love for Krsna. Developing love for Krsna.