I wasted all my young age, how can I rectify my mistakes

Q: At my young age - 11 years old, I was hankering after spritiual knowledge, but no one was there to guide me. I wasted all my time.

A: At the age of 11 years you might seek spiritual knowledge. But there is no suitable person to give you and or your seeking is not up to mark, hence Krsna could not provide you.
In Krsna Consciousness (KC) we never dig out our past life. We need to see how best I can advance in KC. Forget the past. Live in present. Don't even think of future. Present is always giving us a chance to surrender to Krsna. For ever be in present and surrender. You are a surrender soul for ever.  Surrender is for ever.
Then Krsna is pleased. We need to please Krsna for ever. Thank you very much.
Hari Bol.